Sunday, March 02, 2008

I killed it...

I bought a really cute plant at IKEA a couple weeks ago. I was really excited about it. Jaime and I scoured the plant section until we picked out the healthiest and best looking ones. when I got home I put it next to my spider plant. I was so proud of their matching pots and couldn't wait to see them grow. the next thing I knew, two weeks had gone by and I had completely forgotten about my new plant. by then half of the plant was dead. I watered it and moved it closer to the natural light for a couple days but it didn't help. it is completely dead now. I couldn't help but remember the scene from 28 days when the guy takes his plant back to the shop because it died. their counselor in rehab told them that they would be ready for a relationship after they had kept a plant alive for a while. I guess this means I am nowhere near being ready for a new relationship. I have to admit I'm not too worried or concerned with that right now. in fact, it is kind of a relief if it's true. I don't feel ready or remotely up to it yet. should I? sometimes I think that I really should be by now... I guess maybe I will go get another plant and try again...

1 comment:

Crawford Family said...

Have you ever seen the Sandra Bullock movie 28 Days... I love the gay guy "I couldn't have killed this plant, you gave me a deffective plant... ughh I am never going to get laid." Haaa!