Thursday, June 26, 2008


I need to give a shout-out to Kelly, of the amazing Crawford Clan. Kelly and I have been friends for a long time and even though we are a country apart now, she has left quite an impression on my life, along with her awesome hubby and two adorable boys. I owe her a ton for many many things, but her most recent act of kindness was designing my blog. do you love it?? I do! she did a great job. I have always been and continue to be amazed at her creativity. you should all check out her etsy store. you really do have to see it to believe it. yes, she makes everything! home decor, clothes, furniture, you name it, and she will find a way to make it. and it is always beautiful. good luck picking out just one thing to buy at The Peek Boutique where she sells a small sample of her handiwork. and on top of it all, she is the wife and mother I hope to become one day. give it up for Kelly everybody! luv ya!


Crawford Family said...

Oh my goodness I am totally blushing from head to toe! It means SOOOO much coming from you! Who I have always aspired to be like! Thank you so much what a great B-day present! We miss you and luv you tons!

Dana Hewitt said...

What a cool lady! I too think so much of you, Christa. I'm so proud of you---cheese ball, but true.
I miss you like ca-razy! Let me know when I can see you busy girl.