Wednesday, September 10, 2008


did you listen to Obama's speech at the DNC? if not, here's your chance! despite how crazy my life is right now, I am doing the best I can to follow the general election, and every time I get a chance to listen to a speech or read into the headlines, I am consumed by some pretty powerful emotion. I usually have to keep this bottled up in respect to almost everyone around me, so when I read this post on, it made my day. granted, I would put things a little differently than she does, and use different language, but I felt a lot of pride reading this and I am in awe of her ability to put the exact things I feel into words. if you're interested at all in why I have absolutely no interest in McCain and Palin, please read her post called And... boom.

PS - I am really far behind on my blog, sorry about that. hopefully I will find time on Sunday to post about Australia and the last minute trip to Seattle I took last weekend.

1 comment:

Dezaree said...

They....McCain and Palin are just rediculous to listen to. Have no idea why there is any appeal in them AT ALL. It makes me ill. I agree with you though, that like you, Geoff and I try and keep our opinions to ourselves, but every now and then, people say the most ignorant and uneducated things towards the opposing view and we just can't take it anymore. It's maddening.