Monday, April 09, 2012


in two days I will be celebrating my 31st birthday. I've dreaded birthdays before, but never like this. 

my dad was never good with birthdays or any other significant dates. even holidays. he always knew when it was getting close, so he would just call you whenever he thought about it. so, some years I would get a call a day or two or three before my brithday, and some years a day or two or three after. one year he called me on amber's birthday and when I told him it was her birthday, he still didn't call her for a couple more days. it rarely happened on my actual birthday. and every time I would just laugh and say, "thanks dad. I will pretend today is the 11th" 

so, every year at this time I would be expecting a call from my dad at any moment. and for the first time in my 31 years it's not going to happen. there isn't much I wouldn't give for just one more conversation with my dad. the one-sided conversations I have been having with him have been good, but lately I have been really needing some solid reassurance from him. 

one thing I am sure of is that I would not be the person I am today if it weren't for him. and I can honestly so that 31 years in I am very happy with who I am. I couldn't be more proud than when I notice characteristics in myself that are because of him. I love you, dad. and I hope I am doing you proud.


LAM said...

I'm so glad you're posting again! I love the way you write. I'm 100% sure your dad is very proud of you. You're his number 1.

Christa said...

thank you Laurie!!!

Amber Golden said...
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Amber Golden said...

I told Brett that he pulled a dad on my birthday because dad would also call you on your birthday and have a good length conversation without realizing it was your birthday. Brett called me on my birthday this year and the whole conversation I was giggling inside because that was something dad would have totally done. I missed my phone call from dad this year too but thank you Brett for trying to make up for it:)

Unknown said...

Haha Brett would! :) But there is no point to how much I miss your dad. I love you guys so much and I will always be here for you guys. And I remember those good ole' times I would run away to come to your house and my parents called the police... haha I clearly remember that day.. amber gave me a tennis racket, and I don't know why. I love you guys!

Christa said...

thanks you stanley! my dad sure loved you too! <3