Wednesday, May 21, 2008

do I look like a wall in this shirt?

while cleaning out my inbox at work today I was reminded of a very funny story that I just have to share. back in February I walked into the stairwell on my way to the third floor and I almost ran right into our CEO and VP of Marketing (hereafter referred to as VPM). I said excuse me and squeezed past when our VPM said, "that is a beautiful sweater!" I smiled and said thank you. I have to admit, it is one of my favorite sweaters. It has a black and gray baroque pattern, sort of like this:

as I happily approached the door to the 3rd floor I overheard our CEO say, "now, when I look at that sweater I think "that would look great on a wall,' you know, like the pattern." Our VPM replied, "yeah, that would be gorgeous." I realized that since I was almost out the door it wasn't intended for my ears, so I continued on, but then paused in shock and thought, "wow, I look like a wall." and this scene from Garden State immediately flashed into my head:

I then thought, "hmmm, I don't think looking like a wall is a good thing." I still haven't decided whether that comment was an insult or not. Since our CEO is one of the nicest and most Christ-like people I have ever met, I doubt it was meant that way, but it wasn't exactly a compliment, right? needless to say, I will never look at that sweater the same again.


Lisa said...

You crack me up. I can totally hear them saying that. Great Post!

B-radley said...

That is so funny, thank you for a good laugh.

Crawford Family said...

hahahaha!!! I LOVE that movie. Man you crack me up! Oh and that isn't kerstin it is my friend leslie. But man they look a like now that you say it! You have got to come visit!

jaimey said...

You know I think that story is hysterical . . . especially because I own the same sweater except in red. :) Ha! I'll look like a wall with you any time, any day, Christa. :)