Tuesday, November 17, 2009

my pumpkin

so... isn't he the cutest kitten you have ever seen?? while we were in Hanksville last weekend we were staying at my aunt's house while their family was out of town. when my mom went out on the back porch, this is what she saw. only, he was bleeding on the top of his head and had clearly been chewed on and pushed around a bit. he clung to me like he was fighting for his life! so, I called my sister and she came to help me get him cleaned up since I literally have no experience with pets. this pic is right after we got him all dried and had fed him some milk. I immediately knew I had to call him pumpkin.

I debated all night whether or not to take him home. see, I have commitment issues and having a pet is quite a lot of responsibility. but, right when I fell asleep he curled up next to my neck and purred. that was it. I had to take him home. there was no way I was going to put him back outside to fend for himself amidst all of my aunt's dogs. so, the next morning I packed him up into our car and brought him home. I made a quick stop at PetCo and got all the essentials and we've been happier than anything since.

pumpkin is very sweet. he loves to cuddle. his favorite place in the world is on my neck and shoulders. he kicks his back feet like he's riding a bike when I rub his belly and he falls asleep when I rub his paws. he loves to nibble on my neck and toes. it makes me laugh every time. he is scared to death of the blowdryer. he hisses at it and gets defensive. I've had a great time getting to know pumpkin and I can't wait to see what is in store for us.


Jacque said...

ooohh! he is PRECIOUS! pumpkin is the perfect name for him!

tigersaunt said...

He is adorable, and so lucky you saved him! Makes me want another cat. haha. I'm sure you'll have years of great times with your Pumkin! Jani :D

Crawford Family said...

He is soooo cute! My boys would love a kitten (sam is deathly afraid of dogs) but I just can't commit to a pet, so I will live vicariously through you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!