Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my latest obsession

I have always loved TV. ever since I learned how to pull off a timed recording on my VCR I have been obsessed. then came boxed sets of seasons. I have Felicity, Will & Grace, Friends, Lost, and Grey's Anatomy. during college breaks these DVDs were my sanctuary. when I first moved to DC and was scared to death, Marti and I watched Felicity and it comforted me. it was my security blanket during such an unfamiliar time. that hasn't changed. for the past few months I have been in uncharted territory. no job and no for sure plan. it's strange and unsettling. that's where abc.com, Netflix and Comcast On Demand come in. I watched all four seasons of Lost at abc.com, three seasons of Weeds sent to my mailbox from Netflix, and what did Comcast On Demand bring into my life?

Dexter! if you haven't watched it, you must. I can't stop watching. at first I was just intrigued. curious. but now I'm full-on in love! so in love that I have dreams that Dexter is my neighbor and I have a crush on him, but he doesn't have human feelings which you know if you watch the show. I love all the characters. Angel, Rita, Masuka, Dexter, Miguel, and Deb. Deb is played by Jennifer Carpenter who also played Emily Rose. it freaked me out for a while, but now I love her too. they are all fast becoming my favorite imaginary friends. they are on showtime. you must watch.

1 comment:

Lenni said...

oh my goodness, I LOVE Dexter! :o) What season are you into?? We've just about finished season three, and four starts in September. :o)