Monday, November 19, 2007


because of Carrie's many references to the way we were on sex and the city, I have been wanting to watch it for a long time. I finally did this past weekend. it's about a couple that is in love, but can't make it work because of their completely different oulooks on life. maybe I shouldn't have watched it, because now I can't help obsessing about how I am her! haha! I am k-k-k-katie! except I'm really c-c-c-christa, as Kerstin pointed out. :) anyway, if you haven't watched it, you should. if only to see who it is I think I am.

I was laughing at myself as I watched this movie. I got so tangled up in it - which in and of itself shows one of the ways I am just like her. I felt her emotion. I knew exactly what she was thinking, how she felt, and why. I had memories of myself saying the exact same things. the line that tore my heart out the most was when she was begging him to stay with her and she got him by saying, "You'll never find anyone as good for you as I am, to believe in you as much as I do or love you as much!" I have said that. and I meant it with all my heart. because when I love someone, I love them completely. and Hubbel knew that about her because when they finally started admitting it wasn't going to work, he said to her, "When you love someone, from Roosevelt to me, you go deaf, dumb and blind." that one stung a little, but it is definitely something I should be aware of. you think its a good thing, but it usually comes back to bite you.

anyway, enough of this sappiness! who is excited for Thanksgiving? I'm cooking for my family down in St. George, as usual, and if you guessed I would be making this year's Martha Stewart Menu you were right!

1 comment:

jaimey said...

I definitely need to see this movie. So here's my question: are you more like Katie or Felicity??? :)