Friday, November 30, 2007

eat pray love

I have wanted to read this book by Elizabeth Gilbert for about a year now. I finally bought it and have been devouring the pages every chance I get. this book is AMAZING! I really think it is going to change my life. for those of you that aren't familiar with the book, it is the true accounts of the author's year of self discovery across Italy, India and Indonesia. Italy to eat, India to pray and Indonesia for love. I haven't made it to the section about Indonesia yet, but eating and praying have been incredible.

the author offers you a completely different outlook on life. one that I, for one, have never considered before. if I can learn to grasp it, and hang on, I'm sure everything will improve. I don't think I will ever be able to afford a year of traveling and indulgence, so I'm hoping this book will do. although, I will probably spend my life trying to find a way to do exactly what she did. anyone out there have a large sum of money they are trying to get rid of? ;)

I have always wished I could write well, but I don't think I could ever write as well as she does, no matter how many classes I take or how much I practice. this book feels like a totally new language. like, maybe it is her heart speaking and making complete sense, touching your soul in places you never knew existed. that is the best I can do at describing it. (see, I told you I needed work on my writing skills!)

anyway, if you have read it, let me know what you thought. when I'm done, I will let you know whether or not it truly was earth-shattering for me.

1 comment:

Crawford Family said...

Ohhhh I watched the Oprah on this and then Felicity was reading it when she came for christmas! I am about number 80 in line at the library to get it but when I do I know the boys will become abandoned because I will be reading it 24-7!